Calculating an NPV for Climate Innovation Emissions Reduction
In this article, Realize 2050 proposes a novel alternative to traditional carbon offsets: the "Net Present Value (NPV) of Climate Innovation Emissions Reduction." This methodology aims to assess the impact of climate investments relative to their cost, encouraging a balance between financial viability and environmental effectiveness. The post concludes by calling for collaboration among experts and corporations to refine and adopt this new approach, positioning it as a more strategic and impactful way to combat climate change.
Realizing Clean, Firm Power for Data Centers
The digital age has given rise to an unprecedented demand for data centers, those critical hubs that store, process, and disseminate our world's expanding sea of data. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and great power requires great power! The opportunity now lies with data center developers, especially mid-sized companies, to lead the way in adopting clean, firm power solutions.
AI to Improve Affordability at Electric Utilities
While much more T&D will need to be deployed in order to meet growing electric load, that utility CapEx will be increasingly borne by lower-income customers as wealthier customers deploy onsite renewables. Utility partnerships with AI and ML technology companies can make more out of this growing infrastructure, but some AI solutions are window-dressing while others are transformational. Utilities must conduct a clear-eyed assessment of existing and burgeoning technologies, focusing primarily on those that address the biggest cost centers of the utility in coming decades, starting with the CapEx associated with the >100,000 miles of T&D that will need to be installed in coming years. The single best way to improve affordability for ratepayers is to provide the same energy services with the least amount of incremental T&D and the most advanced grid orchestration. AI can be a path toward that future. And where solutions don’t exist today, utilities should partner with technology companies to co-develop those solutions.